Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Minneapolis

I was baptized at the church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Minneapolis. According to my mom, this Roman Catholic church was located in the West Bank area of Minneapolis and was torn down long ago. I can't find any records or photos of it online. I have early memories of attending mass there when I was very little. My mom, dad and I moved out of the West Bank area in 1969 when I was just turning 3 years old.


  1. There is a photo here

    1. Huge thanks! Must have been much closer than St Cyril's in NE for Slovaks living on the flats

  2. You're right--St. Cyril's and OLPH both opened about 1891. OLPH lasted till the early 1990s when the UofM campus gobbled it up. The congregation then worshiped very briefly in the new chapel of Augsburg College before the parish was suppressed.
