Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ice Cubes on Lake Harriet

Dale and I took a walk today down at Lake Harriet. What's left of the ice looks like a bunch of ice cubes and they've all been blown to the north half of the lake.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Ice on Lake Harriet Thaws

I found this photo on a friend's Facebook page. We've had a cold snowy April but it looks like we're finally starting to get a break!

Friday, April 26, 2013

50 South 6th Street

Dale had a board meeting today at 50 South 6th Street.  The photo he took from the meeting room is looking south on Nicollet Mall toward 7th Street. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Goose on Lake of the Isles

I had a doctor's appointment last week. The office is located near Lake of the Isles and since I arrived a little too early I decided to walk over and see how the lake was doing. The day was a good example of what a snowy April we've had this year and I was intrigued by this lone goose making it's way through the icy waters. Despite how gray it looks in these photos there was actually a peaceful and still beauty to the day - very lovely.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Flocked Trees

We've had the LONGEST winter this year. Christmas is going on 4 months ago for heaven's sake! It snowed overnight. We were supposed to get 6-8 inches but I'd say we got 2 or 3. Despite winter overstaying its welcome, I must say the flocked trees against the blue sky looked very pretty this morning. Photo taken near 37th Street and 20th Avenue South.